Human Resources Directory
This Human Resources Directory allows you to find HR phone number for leading companies nationwide, including addresses, best calling hours and more.
Human Resources Phone Number
Below is a selected list of human resources companies out of our human resources directory. While this is a selected list, you can use the human resources directory search box option, allowing you to search out of tens of thousands of human resources contacts:
Human Resources Responsibilities
Human resources department has many daily responsibilities for potential candidates and the companies’ employees including:
1) Publish new positions & recruit candidates.
2) Hire the best employees.
3) Process payroll.
4) Maintain employee records.
5) Conduct employee benefit analysis.
6) Providing career growth & consultation.
7) Offering continuing education programs.
8) Create retirement plans.
9) Create training programs.
10) Supporting managers & employees.
11) Implement health and wellness plans.
12) Conduct disciplinary actions & firing employees.
13) Update management and employees’ policies.
14) Solve employees work related issues.
25 Best Jobs & Their Salaries
Watch this video to discover the best jobs you nationwide, all compiled in a list, including salary, job satisfaction and career growth potential.